Rob - Managing Director
Rob joined the team in 2024 (and we're all very grateful he did!). He comes from a wealth of experience in specialty coffee and hospitality. He has a passion for supporting businesses in their growth. Beyond coffee he has a love of rugby (more watching than playing now) and travelling.

Edgaras - Head Roaster
Edgaras is our in house fountain of coffee knowledge. As a trained Q grader and hauling in over 11 years roasting experience, along with second place in the 2016 UK Roasting Championship, we learn something new and incredible from Edgaras every day. It's through Edgaras' hard work and quality control that our coffee tastes so brilliant every day and we are able to get only the most exciting beans coming through our doors.

Luke - Wholesale Account Manager
A certified music aficionado, our boat dwelling, drum playing Luke is here to look after the every need of our Wholesale Customers. Coming to us from years of coffee making and shop management Luke loves pouring attention into brewing our coffee to the best possible standards. He's keen to offer advice, training, recommendations, and make sure you're set up with great coffee and great equipment.

Ava - Production Manager
The little goblin keeping the rest of the roastery constantly on their toes, Ava is an avid cyclist and climber, always on the go. Dedicated to only the absolute best service for both our retail and wholesale customers. Processing orders, wrangling couriers and overseeing every kilo of coffee that heads out to your fine homes and establishments, Ava will always be around to keep you stocked up and sipping delicious brews.

Mitch - Production Assistant
Mitch is our excellent packing machine, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who can pack a bag of coffee faster than our Mitch. He joins us from an animation background, with a keen creative eye and a constant smile enriching our work - we're very lucky to have him around the roastery.